Monday, September 20, 2010

Introducing Kismet

Meet our bass/alto: Jan is an incredible talent, her four octave range blows us away. Her technical abilities are, to say the least, quite impressive as well. She is a very strong and determined person. Being the wife of a good man and the mother of five adorable children, she knows how to get things done. She is the reason this group is together. Her passion for music draws us to her. And her warmth and compassion keeps us close by. Jan has a beautiful voice, beautiful personality, beautiful soul........ Jan's just beautiful!

Our tenor/1st soprano: Crystal has many gifts she brings to the group. Besides her striking beauty, her vocal talent never ceases to impress us. The sweet tone and quality of her voice soothes and inspires the soul. Consistently pushing for more, she is our motivation for greatness. Her ambitious creativity inspires us to reach higher and stretch ourselves. Thus, only making us better for knowing and singing with her. With the support of her awesome husband and two great kids, she's destined for great things.

Our lead soprano: Brandy is amazing. Her beautiful voice has such a clear, controlled tone we become entranced every time she sings. Her desire for excellence, gives us so much motivation, to continue this journey. Brandy's genuine sweet nature is a trait that draws everyone to her and once you're in her presence you don't want to leave. Brandy and her sweet, supportive Husband have their hands full with three beautiful children. Brandy is love. Brandy is kindness. Brandy is gorgeous inside and out. Brandy is Kismet.
